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0: Mr. Clifford: I'm Mr. Clifford... and this is Adriene Hill, welcome to Crash Course economics.

4: Let's start by talking about something that most people take for granted.

7: Adriene: Is it grocery stores, is it the census, is it GPS, is it goldfish, is it frogs? Oh,

12: it's probably these strawberries, right?

13: Mr. Clifford: No, I was gonna say markets.

15: Adriene: But, strawberries are great.

16: Mr. Clifford: Yeah, but where do you think strawberries came from?

18: Adriene: The ground, the farmer, the market, the grocery store, the miracle of life?

22: Mr. Clifford: Now look around you. Where did all that stuff come from? And who made it?

25: And why? Well, the answer is simple, but it's underrated. It's markets, and for most of

30: us farms and factories and stores, but mainly it's just markets. Can I have a strawberry now?

36: [Theme Music] Markets

45: Adriene: So a market is any place where buyers and sellers meet to exchange goods and services.

49: The key to markets is the concept of voluntary exchange. That is, that buyers and sellers

54: willingly decide to make a transaction.

56: Let's say you go to a farmer's market and you buy a box of strawberries for $3. You

60: value the box of strawberries more than the $3 you gave up to get it. The seller valued

64: the $3 more than the box of strawberries. The transaction's a win-win because you got

69: your strawberries and the farmer got his money. You both felt better off; that's voluntary exchange.

74: This same process happens in the labor market. Say that instead of the farmer's market, you

78: bought your strawberries at your local supermarket. The cashier voluntarily decided to work there.

84: He values the $10 an hour he makes there more than he does sitting at home watching the

87: Walking Dead. At the same time, the owner of the store values the labor of the cashier

92: more than the $10 an hour she pays him.

94: And so it goes, on and on, all the way up the chain of production, from the driver that

98: delivered the strawberries to the farmer that grew the strawberries to the tractor that

101: the farmer purchased. The point is that markets are everywhere and most are based on voluntary exchange.

107: Mr. Clifford: The part of all this that most people take for granted is how efficient the

110: system is. Competitive markets turn out to be pretty great about allocating or distributing

114: our scarce resources towards their most efficient use.

116: So if farmers produce, like, too many strawberries, then the price will fall as sellers try to

120: sell them off. Lower prices means less profit for the strawberry farmers, and those farmers

124: will have an incentive to produce something else like lettuce or Brussels sprouts. So

128: if farmers don't produce enough strawberries, buyers will bid up the price and the farmers

132: will have an incentive to produce more, which then drives down the price. That's like magic except it's not.

136: The information that markets generate to guide a distribution of resources is what economists

140: call price signals. Markets also incentivize the production of high-quality products. If

145: the strawberries are brown and nasty then no one's gonna want to buy them, and if the

148: tractor's a piece of junk, the strawberry farmer's gonna tell other farmers to buy some other tractor.

152: Now, ideally the eventual result of voluntary exchange is that sellers can't make themselves

155: better off without making something that makes buyers better off.

158: Businesses, and in particular large corporations, are often villainized as greedy, heartless

162: institutions that take advantage of consumers, but if markets are transparent and buyers

166: are free to choose, then businesses will have a hard time taking advantage of people.

170: Now obviously greed and deception happen in real life, and there are situations where

173: consumers don't have a choice, but for the most part, if you really don't like the policies

177: or practices of a particular company, then don't shop there. After all, in the free market,

181: every dollar that is spent signals to producers what should be produced and how it should be produced. Supply and Demand

185: Adriene: We've established that prices and profit determine where resources should go,

189: but where do prices come from? Who determines the price of my box of strawberries? To answer

194: that, we're gonna draw - get ready for it - supply and demand. Let's go to the runway.

199: Mr. Clifford: If there's only one thing you should learn in economics, it's supply and

202: demand. Let's use the market for strawberries to help us understand this concept. Up here

206: on the Y axis, we have the price of strawberries, down here on the X axis we have the quantity of boxes of strawberries.

211: Let's start by looking at buyers and how they respond to a change in price. If the price

215: goes up for strawberries, then some buyers will go buy blueberries or they'll go on that

218: all bacon diet. The point is, they're gonna buy less strawberries. And if the price goes

222: down for strawberries, then people are gonna buy more. This is called the law of demand:

226: when the price goes up, people buy less, when the price goes down, people buy more. On the

230: graph it's show by a downward sloping demand curve.

232: Now let's think about sellers like the farmer in the farmer's market. If the price of strawberries

236: go up, then that farmer will make more profit, so will have an incentive to produce more

240: strawberries. If the price goes down then he's not gonna want to produce strawberries.

243: That's called the law of supply, and on the graph it's shown by an upward sloping supply curve.

247: Now let's put supply and demand together. If the price is really high at $10 then producers

251: would like to produce a lot of strawberries, but consumers won't want to buy them. This

255: mismatch is called a surplus. And if the price goes down for strawberries, let's say down

259: to $1, then buyers want to buy a whole lot, but producers won't have incentive and they'll

263: produce very little. At the end you have mismatch, but this one's called a shortage.

265: And there's only one price where the quantity that buyers want to buy is exactly equal to

269: the quantity that sellers want to sell, and it's right here where supply equals demand.

273: The price is called the equilibrium price, and the quantity is called the equilibrium quantity. Price and Quantity

277: Adriene: Okay, sure your graph makes sense, but the price of strawberries isn't always

281: $3; sometimes it goes up to $6, and at Whole Foods, local, artisanally grown strawberries,

287: the fancy fancy strawberries, can cost upwards of $12. But I guess Whole Foods is a whole

291: other world where price has nothing to do with realistic economics. We'll stick to normal

296: strawberries. In fact, the prices for all sort of stuff change all the time.

299: External forces can shift both the supply and demand curves, changing the equilibrium

303: price and quantity. For example, let's assume that this graph shows the demand and supply

308: of strawberries in the summer. What happens in the winter? Will the change in weather

312: affect buyers' demand? Or producers supply? Spoiler alert: it's supply. Colder temperatures

318: make it harder to grow strawberries. The result is the entire supply curve is gonna shift to the left.

323: This is because at all possible prices, there'd be fewer strawberries produced. That's it.

329: This graph is just a tool that economists and everyone else used to show the results

333: of a change in a market. I know it seems complicated at first, but there are really only four things

337: that can happen in a market.

339: Supply can decrease, supply can increase, demand can decrease, or demand can increase.

344: Some people might wanna talk about a price being fair or right. Well, that all depends

348: on your point of view. The buyer always considers a low price to be a very fair price, while

353: the seller considers it unfair and vice versa. In general, economists don't really like to

357: push opinions about prices. Voluntary exchange suggests that the price is there for a reason.

362: For example, assume the demand for strawberries inexplicably falls, so the demand curve shifts

367: to the left and the equilibrium price and quantity fall. Farmers might go to the government

372: for assistance, but most economists would argue there's no reason to bail them out.

376: The market's spoken. Strawberries are so over.

379: Furthermore, if the government helps the farmers by giving them a subsidy, it would be putting

383: resources towards something that society doesn't value. That would be inefficient. Luckily,

388: every reasonable person on Earth values strawberries, so they continue to get produced.

392: Mr. Clifford: Now, the downside is, the supply and demand model only applies to analyzing

396: strawberries. Nah, I'm just joking; it applies to all sorts of stuff. In fact, let's look

400: at a market for a commodity known for its volatility, both because of its fluctuating

403: prices and because sometimes, it explodes: gasoline.

406: Now when you see gas prices are moving all over the board, that's just demand and supply.

410: For example, in 2014, the retail gas price in the United States fell dramatically. Why?

414: Well, it was demand and supply. The economies of both Europe and China weakened, which decreased

419: the demand for gasoline, shifting the demand curve to the left. At the same time, new fracking

423: technology and restored production of oil in Iraq and Libya caused the supply of gasoline

428: to increase, or shift to the right. The combination drove gas prices down by more than 40% per

432: gallon. And that's it. Now you can tell all your friends you understand supply and demand.

435: It's a big day for you. It's a big day.

437: Adrienne: So markets and supply and demand are awesome. But sometimes, they're not awesome.

442: For example, we don't wanna use the market approach when it comes to firefighters.

447: [Phone rings]

448: 911, what's your emergency?

451: Mr. Clifford: My house is on fire, how much do you charge to put it out?

454: Adrienne: It'll be $10,000, what's your credit card number?

456: Mr. Clifford: They're all melted!

458: Adrienne: [hangs up] Okay, that one's obvious, but what about the market for human organs?

463: After all, there's a huge shortage, and thousands of people die each year waiting for transplants.

468: Should there be a competitive market for human kidneys? A free marketeer would say sure,

472: why not? If a donor wants $15,000 more than he wants his other kidney, why stop him?

477: Mr. Clifford: Well. Ethics. I mean, there's several problems that arise with an unregulated

480: market for human kidneys. First is the moral question, is it fair for a poor person who

484: can't afford a kidney to die while a rich person lives? Well,, not at

488: all. Another problem results in the law of supply. When there's an increase in the price

491: of kidneys, there's an incentive for people to steal and sell kidneys. In fact, the World

495: Health Organization has stated, "Payment for organs is likely to take unfair advantage

499: of the poorest and most vulnerable groups, undermines altruistic donations, and leads

502: to profiteering and human trafficking. I mean, all bad things. Now, that being said, why

506: do 70% of American economic association members support some kind of payment for organ donors?

510: Adrienne: Well, it's because you can solve some of these problems with a market approach,

513: but the market must be regulated. Often family and friends are willing to donate a kidney,

519: but they're not a match for the patient. Economists generally support creating kidney exchanges,

523: where pairs of willing donors are matched with strangers that agree to donate to each

528: others' loved ones. In both cases, the supply of donated kidneys would increase, which would

533: alleviate some of the shortage. Like we've said before, free markets are awesome, but they

537: can't solve all our problems Sometimes, they need to be regulated, and sometimes, they should be avoided.

543: So there you have what, for most people, is the start and for many, the end of economics.

548: Supply and demand. Economists and politicians often like to refer to the interaction of

553: supply and demand as laws, and we've done that too, but to be clear, it's not an absolute

558: law, like the law of gravity.

559: Mr. Clifford: As we've tried to point out here on Crash Course, economics is about human

563: choices and their consequences. Even though supply and demand behave in a predictable

566: way that we've seen in the models, we can't lose sight of the fact that both of them are

569: reliant on humans acting as buyers and sellers.

572: Adrienne: Our actions influence supply and demand in a way that they can't influence

576: gravity, no matter how much we might want to.

579: Mr. Clifford: Whoa.

581: Adrienne: That's After Effects. And that's something to keep in mind when you hear us

585: or anybody talking about economic laws. Thanks for watching. We'll see you next time.

589: Mr. Clifford: Thanks for watching Crash Course Economics, it was made with the help of all

592: these nice people . You demanded it, and they supplied it. Now, if you want them to keep

596: supplying it, please head over to Patreon. It's a voluntary subscription platform that

599: allows you to pay whatever you want monthly to help make Crash Course free for everyone

603: forever. Thanks for watching. DFTBA.


Supply and Demand are the two great forces which shape markets and prices.  When we talk about economics, what do we mean by supply and demand? How do these two concepts affect the price or the availability of a product or service? This is another great video from Crash C Sabrina's Law Office sceneourse, who specialize in content related to economics and the financial markets. Hopefully it will help you in your studies.

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0: Mr. Clifford: I'm Mr. Clifford... and this is Adriene Hill, welcome to Crash Course economics.
4: Let's start by talking about something that most people take for granted.
7: Adriene: Is it grocery stores, is it the census, is it GPS, is it goldfish, is it frogs? Oh,
12: it's probably these strawberries, right?
13: Mr. Clifford: No, I was gonna say markets.
15: Adriene: But, strawberries are great.
16: Mr. Clifford: Yeah, but where do you think strawberries came from?
18: Adriene: The ground, the farmer, the market, the grocery store, the miracle of life?
22: Mr. Clifford: Now look around you. Where did all that stuff come from? And who made it?
25: And why? Well, the answer is simple, but it's underrated. It's markets, and for most of
30: us farms and factories and stores, but mainly it's just markets. Can I have a strawberry now?
36: [Theme Music] Markets
45: Adriene: So a market is any place where buyers and sellers meet to exchange goods and services.
49: The key to markets is the concept of voluntary exchange. That is, that buyers and sellers
54: willingly decide to make a transaction.
56: Let's say you go to a farmer's market and you buy a box of strawberries for $3. You
60: value the box of strawberries more than the $3 you gave up to get it. The seller valued
64: the $3 more than the box of strawberries. The transaction's a win-win because you got
69: your strawberries and the farmer got his money. You both felt better off; that's voluntary exchange.
74: This same process happens in the labor market. Say that instead of the farmer's market, you
78: bought your strawberries at your local supermarket. The cashier voluntarily decided to work there.
84: He values the $10 an hour he makes there more than he does sitting at home watching the
87: Walking Dead. At the same time, the owner of the store values the labor of the cashier
92: more than the $10 an hour she pays him.
94: And so it goes, on and on, all the way up the chain of production, from the driver that
98: delivered the strawberries to the farmer that grew the strawberries to the tractor that
101: the farmer purchased. The point is that markets are everywhere and most are based on voluntary exchange.
107: Mr. Clifford: The part of all this that most people take for granted is how efficient the
110: system is. Competitive markets turn out to be pretty great about allocating or distributing
114: our scarce resources towards their most efficient use.
116: So if farmers produce, like, too many strawberries, then the price will fall as sellers try to
120: sell them off. Lower prices means less profit for the strawberry farmers, and those farmers
124: will have an incentive to produce something else like lettuce or Brussels sprouts. So
128: if farmers don't produce enough strawberries, buyers will bid up the price and the farmers
132: will have an incentive to produce more, which then drives down the price. That's like magic except it's not.
136: The information that markets generate to guide a distribution of resources is what economists
140: call price signals. Markets also incentivize the production of high-quality products. If
145: the strawberries are brown and nasty then no one's gonna want to buy them, and if the
148: tractor's a piece of junk, the strawberry farmer's gonna tell other farmers to buy some other tractor.
152: Now, ideally the eventual result of voluntary exchange is that sellers can't make themselves
155: better off without making something that makes buyers better off.
158: Businesses, and in particular large corporations, are often villainized as greedy, heartless
162: institutions that take advantage of consumers, but if markets are transparent and buyers
166: are free to choose, then businesses will have a hard time taking advantage of people.
170: Now obviously greed and deception happen in real life, and there are situations where
173: consumers don't have a choice, but for the most part, if you really don't like the policies
177: or practices of a particular company, then don't shop there. After all, in the free market,
181: every dollar that is spent signals to producers what should be produced and how it should be produced. Supply and Demand
185: Adriene: We've established that prices and profit determine where resources should go,
189: but where do prices come from? Who determines the price of my box of strawberries? To answer
194: that, we're gonna draw - get ready for it - supply and demand. Let's go to the runway.
199: Mr. Clifford: If there's only one thing you should learn in economics, it's supply and
202: demand. Let's use the market for strawberries to help us understand this concept. Up here
206: on the Y axis, we have the price of strawberries, down here on the X axis we have the quantity of boxes of strawberries.
211: Let's start by looking at buyers and how they respond to a change in price. If the price
215: goes up for strawberries, then some buyers will go buy blueberries or they'll go on that
218: all bacon diet. The point is, they're gonna buy less strawberries. And if the price goes
222: down for strawberries, then people are gonna buy more. This is called the law of demand:
226: when the price goes up, people buy less, when the price goes down, people buy more. On the
230: graph it's show by a downward sloping demand curve.
232: Now let's think about sellers like the farmer in the farmer's market. If the price of strawberries
236: go up, then that farmer will make more profit, so will have an incentive to produce more
240: strawberries. If the price goes down then he's not gonna want to produce strawberries.
243: That's called the law of supply, and on the graph it's shown by an upward sloping supply curve.
247: Now let's put supply and demand together. If the price is really high at $10 then producers
251: would like to produce a lot of strawberries, but consumers won't want to buy them. This
255: mismatch is called a surplus. And if the price goes down for strawberries, let's say down
259: to $1, then buyers want to buy a whole lot, but producers won't have incentive and they'll
263: produce very little. At the end you have mismatch, but this one's called a shortage.
265: And there's only one price where the quantity that buyers want to buy is exactly equal to
269: the quantity that sellers want to sell, and it's right here where supply equals demand.
273: The price is called the equilibrium price, and the quantity is called the equilibrium quantity. Price and Quantity
277: Adriene: Okay, sure your graph makes sense, but the price of strawberries isn't always
281: $3; sometimes it goes up to $6, and at Whole Foods, local, artisanally grown strawberries,
287: the fancy fancy strawberries, can cost upwards of $12. But I guess Whole Foods is a whole
291: other world where price has nothing to do with realistic economics. We'll stick to normal
296: strawberries. In fact, the prices for all sort of stuff change all the time.
299: External forces can shift both the supply and demand curves, changing the equilibrium
303: price and quantity. For example, let's assume that this graph shows the demand and supply
308: of strawberries in the summer. What happens in the winter? Will the change in weather
312: affect buyers' demand? Or producers supply? Spoiler alert: it's supply. Colder temperatures
318: make it harder to grow strawberries. The result is the entire supply curve is gonna shift to the left.
323: This is because at all possible prices, there'd be fewer strawberries produced. That's it.
329: This graph is just a tool that economists and everyone else used to show the results
333: of a change in a market. I know it seems complicated at first, but there are really only four things
337: that can happen in a market.
339: Supply can decrease, supply can increase, demand can decrease, or demand can increase.
344: Some people might wanna talk about a price being fair or right. Well, that all depends
348: on your point of view. The buyer always considers a low price to be a very fair price, while
353: the seller considers it unfair and vice versa. In general, economists don't really like to
357: push opinions about prices. Voluntary exchange suggests that the price is there for a reason.
362: For example, assume the demand for strawberries inexplicably falls, so the demand curve shifts
367: to the left and the equilibrium price and quantity fall. Farmers might go to the government
372: for assistance, but most economists would argue there's no reason to bail them out.
376: The market's spoken. Strawberries are so over.
379: Furthermore, if the government helps the farmers by giving them a subsidy, it would be putting
383: resources towards something that society doesn't value. That would be inefficient. Luckily,
388: every reasonable person on Earth values strawberries, so they continue to get produced.
392: Mr. Clifford: Now, the downside is, the supply and demand model only applies to analyzing
396: strawberries. Nah, I'm just joking; it applies to all sorts of stuff. In fact, let's look
400: at a market for a commodity known for its volatility, both because of its fluctuating
403: prices and because sometimes, it explodes: gasoline.
406: Now when you see gas prices are moving all over the board, that's just demand and supply.
410: For example, in 2014, the retail gas price in the United States fell dramatically. Why?
414: Well, it was demand and supply. The economies of both Europe and China weakened, which decreased
419: the demand for gasoline, shifting the demand curve to the left. At the same time, new fracking
423: technology and restored production of oil in Iraq and Libya caused the supply of gasoline
428: to increase, or shift to the right. The combination drove gas prices down by more than 40% per
432: gallon. And that's it. Now you can tell all your friends you understand supply and demand.
435: It's a big day for you. It's a big day.
437: Adrienne: So markets and supply and demand are awesome. But sometimes, they're not awesome.
442: For example, we don't wanna use the market approach when it comes to firefighters.
447: [Phone rings]
448: 911, what's your emergency?
451: Mr. Clifford: My house is on fire, how much do you charge to put it out?
454: Adrienne: It'll be $10,000, what's your credit card number?
456: Mr. Clifford: They're all melted!
458: Adrienne: [hangs up] Okay, that one's obvious, but what about the market for human organs?
463: After all, there's a huge shortage, and thousands of people die each year waiting for transplants.
468: Should there be a competitive market for human kidneys? A free marketeer would say sure,
472: why not? If a donor wants $15,000 more than he wants his other kidney, why stop him?
477: Mr. Clifford: Well. Ethics. I mean, there's several problems that arise with an unregulated
480: market for human kidneys. First is the moral question, is it fair for a poor person who
484: can't afford a kidney to die while a rich person lives? Well,, not at
488: all. Another problem results in the law of supply. When there's an increase in the price
491: of kidneys, there's an incentive for people to steal and sell kidneys. In fact, the World
495: Health Organization has stated, "Payment for organs is likely to take unfair advantage
499: of the poorest and most vulnerable groups, undermines altruistic donations, and leads
502: to profiteering and human trafficking. I mean, all bad things. Now, that being said, why
506: do 70% of American economic association members support some kind of payment for organ donors?
510: Adrienne: Well, it's because you can solve some of these problems with a market approach,
513: but the market must be regulated. Often family and friends are willing to donate a kidney,
519: but they're not a match for the patient. Economists generally support creating kidney exchanges,
523: where pairs of willing donors are matched with strangers that agree to donate to each
528: others' loved ones. In both cases, the supply of donated kidneys would increase, which would
533: alleviate some of the shortage. Like we've said before, free markets are awesome, but they
537: can't solve all our problems Sometimes, they need to be regulated, and sometimes, they should be avoided.
543: So there you have what, for most people, is the start and for many, the end of economics.
548: Supply and demand. Economists and politicians often like to refer to the interaction of
553: supply and demand as laws, and we've done that too, but to be clear, it's not an absolute
558: law, like the law of gravity.
559: Mr. Clifford: As we've tried to point out here on Crash Course, economics is about human
563: choices and their consequences. Even though supply and demand behave in a predictable
566: way that we've seen in the models, we can't lose sight of the fact that both of them are
569: reliant on humans acting as buyers and sellers.
572: Adrienne: Our actions influence supply and demand in a way that they can't influence
576: gravity, no matter how much we might want to.
579: Mr. Clifford: Whoa.
581: Adrienne: That's After Effects. And that's something to keep in mind when you hear us
585: or anybody talking about economic laws. Thanks for watching. We'll see you next time.
589: Mr. Clifford: Thanks for watching Crash Course Economics, it was made with the help of all
592: these nice people . You demanded it, and they supplied it. Now, if you want them to keep
596: supplying it, please head over to Patreon. It's a voluntary subscription platform that
599: allows you to pay whatever you want monthly to help make Crash Course free for everyone
603: forever. Thanks for watching. DFTBA.

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We really like the videos from Crash Course! An American YouTube channel, Crash Course produces high-quality educational videos to help you get better grades at your college or university. These videos look at subjects related to economics and the financial markets, so if you are studying economics at University you really should check out this channel. You should be able to understand the videos if you have upper-intermediate level English. Get better grades in your economics course thanks to Crash Course!

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