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English Subtitles

1: Hello everyone, let's start Yes, I agree with that point

9: One suggestion be… Hello boy, hello.

15: Don't know the proper meeting etiquette rules when attending video conference meetings?

20: By the end of this video, you'll know 12 video conference meeting etiquette

25: rules you should follow to make a powerful impact at your teleconference meetings!

30: For the best professional and personal development solutions,

33: subscribe to my channel and hit the bell to be notified when I post a new video.

39: For over 30 years I have helped many people in their journey to success…


45: As with conference call meetings,

48: video conferencing is helpful when attendees are at different locations. However, as you are also

54: able to see each other, it adds another dimension to the etiquette challenges you need to consider.

60: Whether you are using Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, Skype, Slack or any other

66: application, there are 12 video conference meeting etiquette rules you need to know…

71: 1. Keep the camera at eye level or slightly above

76: It is more flattering to your face than an angle that is lower than eye-level.

80: Eye-level or slightly above is a more natural position from the viewer's perspective and

85: similar to that of a face to face meeting. Also, it has a slightly slimming effect on the face.

92: 2. Ensure the lens of the camera is clean

96: This prevents your image from appearing cloudy to others due to fingerprints

100: or dust on the lens. The sharper your image the more attention it commands.

106: 3. Look into the lens of the camera

110: This is a good video conference meeting etiquette rule to follow. The lens of the

114: camera is equivalent to your eyes, so it creates eye contact with the viewer and can keep them more

120: engaged with you. Resist the temptation of looking at yourself or others on the screen.

126: The viewer can mistake it for a lack of interest in what is being discussed.

130: 4. Be aware of your framing Ensure you are in the middle of the

135: camera frame i.e. there's not too much space at the top or on either side of you. Our mind prefers

142: symmetry so it's more appealing if your face is centered in the frame. A good gauge is for your

148: eyes to be in the top third of the frame. This will better align the viewer's eyes with yours.

154: 5. Be mindful of your sound quality Don't depend on your device's microphone. If you

161: don't have an external microphone, consider using your cell phone's earplugs, the microphone will

167: be of better quality than your computer. If this is not an option, then sit closer to the device.

174: 6. Have good lighting This is an underrated

178: video conference meeting etiquette rule. The difference between a face-to-face encounter

183: and video should be minimum. The lighting from your device is usually insufficient.

189: Natural light is best, which is why sitting facing a window works so well.

194: Avoid backlighting and lighting above the head as it casts unflattering shadows.

199: 7. Be aware of your background Avoid distractions in your background

205: such as other people or pets, sensitive information, personal items, clutter,

211: bold designs, etc. It can detract from your message and the purpose of your meeting.

218: Comment below and tell me which of these meeting etiquette tips you are guilty of

223: not using and why. Could the tips we covered so far made a difference to your video meetings?

228: Give me a DEFINITELY, in the comments below.

232: 8. Personal dress and grooming

236: Maintain the same standard as with in-person meetings. Video meetings are no different.

242: Your video representation should match the occasion, your target audience and

247: the purpose of the meeting. For work-related meetings, keep your dress code professional.

253: 9. Your verbal and nonverbal communication

257: This video conference meeting etiquette rule is sometimes forgotten. Similar to personal dress,

263: maintain the same standard as with face-to-face meetings. There is a tendency to be more casual

269: when meetings are not in-person, especially if you are attending the meeting from home. Avoid using

275: words and body language that are inappropriate e.g. questionable language or poor posture.

283: 10. Reduce excessive gestures, fidgeting and alternate conversations

288: All these actions are annoying to most viewers and it looks unprofessional e.g.

294: speaking to pets… not only is it unappealing for some,

298: but they will also be unable to see your pet if it is out of the frame. It is not a good practice.

304: 11. Mind your manners

307: This is another overlooked video conference meeting etiquette rule. Avoid eating on camera,

313: pay attention when others are contributing and put your audio on mute when not speaking.

319: Not muting your microphone may create feedback that can interrupt the speaker.

324: As obvious as these may be, they are still frequently done during video conference meetings.

330: 12. Turn off your video if you need to step away from your device

335: Life happens and there may be a valid reason to leave the meeting for a brief moment.

340: Turning off your video when are not at your computer will save you from having to deal with an

345: embarrassing situation because others sharing your space were not aware that your camera was active.

351: Video conference calls have made it easier to connect and do business at anytime and anywhere.

356: The benefits are great but the basic rules of meeting etiquette should always be applied.

362: Let's recap the 12 video conference meeting etiquette rules you need to know.

368: 1. Keep the camera at eye level or slightly above. It is more natural and flattering to the face.

375: 2. Ensure the lens of the camera is clean. A sharper image of you commands more attention.

382: 3. Look into the lens of the camera. It creates eye contact with the viewer and

388: can keep them more engaged. 4. Be aware of your framing.

393: Our mind prefers symmetry so ensure your face is centered in the frame.

398: 5. Be mindful of your sound quality. It will directly affect the video meeting

404: experience for the viewer. 6. Have good lighting. The

409: difference between a face-to-face encounter and video should be minimum.

413: 7. Be aware of your background. It can detract from your message.

419: 8. Personal dress and grooming. Your video representation should match the occasion.

426: 9. Your verbal and nonverbal communication. Keep it as professional as in-person meetings.

433: 10. Reduce excessive gestures, fidgeting and alternate conversations. Again,

440: keep it as professional as face to face meetings. 11. Mind your manners. It reveals your character.

448: 12. Turn off your video if you need to step away from your device.

453: It can save you from having to deal with an embarrassing situation.

458: OK … Let's see how Suzie does when the correct tips are followed…

464: Hello everyone, let's start

468: Yes, I agree with that point One suggestion before we continue

477: Now you know the appropriate meeting etiquette rules when attending video conference meetings…

482: but what about the specific tasks you must do as the host before,

486: during and after your meetings, for greater control and high impact?

491: I have created a FREE Professional Assessment just for you so you can measure your potential

496: for success. You can access the FREE Assessment at the link in the description section.

501: I have also included other resources to help you get greater insight and tips on this topic.

508: I am always adding new videos to give you the techniques and secrets used by

512: the best in the field. Check them out here so you don't miss out.

517: And remember, if you like this video, hit that like button,

521: be sure to subscribe and share it with your friends.

524: Thanks for watching.


12 important rules for video conferences.

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The full text

1: Hello everyone, let's start Yes, I agree with that point
9: One suggestion be… Hello boy, hello.
15: Don't know the proper meeting etiquette rules when attending video conference meetings?
20: By the end of this video, you'll know 12 video conference meeting etiquette
25: rules you should follow to make a powerful impact at your teleconference meetings!
30: For the best professional and personal development solutions,
33: subscribe to my channel and hit the bell to be notified when I post a new video.
39: For over 30 years I have helped many people in their journey to success…
45: As with conference call meetings,
48: video conferencing is helpful when attendees are at different locations. However, as you are also
54: able to see each other, it adds another dimension to the etiquette challenges you need to consider.
60: Whether you are using Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, Skype, Slack or any other
66: application, there are 12 video conference meeting etiquette rules you need to know…
71: 1. Keep the camera at eye level or slightly above
76: It is more flattering to your face than an angle that is lower than eye-level.
80: Eye-level or slightly above is a more natural position from the viewer's perspective and
85: similar to that of a face to face meeting. Also, it has a slightly slimming effect on the face.
92: 2. Ensure the lens of the camera is clean
96: This prevents your image from appearing cloudy to others due to fingerprints
100: or dust on the lens. The sharper your image the more attention it commands.
106: 3. Look into the lens of the camera
110: This is a good video conference meeting etiquette rule to follow. The lens of the
114: camera is equivalent to your eyes, so it creates eye contact with the viewer and can keep them more
120: engaged with you. Resist the temptation of looking at yourself or others on the screen.
126: The viewer can mistake it for a lack of interest in what is being discussed.
130: 4. Be aware of your framing Ensure you are in the middle of the
135: camera frame i.e. there's not too much space at the top or on either side of you. Our mind prefers
142: symmetry so it's more appealing if your face is centered in the frame. A good gauge is for your
148: eyes to be in the top third of the frame. This will better align the viewer's eyes with yours.
154: 5. Be mindful of your sound quality Don't depend on your device's microphone. If you
161: don't have an external microphone, consider using your cell phone's earplugs, the microphone will
167: be of better quality than your computer. If this is not an option, then sit closer to the device.
174: 6. Have good lighting This is an underrated
178: video conference meeting etiquette rule. The difference between a face-to-face encounter
183: and video should be minimum. The lighting from your device is usually insufficient.
189: Natural light is best, which is why sitting facing a window works so well.
194: Avoid backlighting and lighting above the head as it casts unflattering shadows.
199: 7. Be aware of your background Avoid distractions in your background
205: such as other people or pets, sensitive information, personal items, clutter,
211: bold designs, etc. It can detract from your message and the purpose of your meeting.
218: Comment below and tell me which of these meeting etiquette tips you are guilty of
223: not using and why. Could the tips we covered so far made a difference to your video meetings?
228: Give me a DEFINITELY, in the comments below.
232: 8. Personal dress and grooming
236: Maintain the same standard as with in-person meetings. Video meetings are no different.
242: Your video representation should match the occasion, your target audience and
247: the purpose of the meeting. For work-related meetings, keep your dress code professional.
253: 9. Your verbal and nonverbal communication
257: This video conference meeting etiquette rule is sometimes forgotten. Similar to personal dress,
263: maintain the same standard as with face-to-face meetings. There is a tendency to be more casual
269: when meetings are not in-person, especially if you are attending the meeting from home. Avoid using
275: words and body language that are inappropriate e.g. questionable language or poor posture.
283: 10. Reduce excessive gestures, fidgeting and alternate conversations
288: All these actions are annoying to most viewers and it looks unprofessional e.g.
294: speaking to pets… not only is it unappealing for some,
298: but they will also be unable to see your pet if it is out of the frame. It is not a good practice.
304: 11. Mind your manners
307: This is another overlooked video conference meeting etiquette rule. Avoid eating on camera,
313: pay attention when others are contributing and put your audio on mute when not speaking.
319: Not muting your microphone may create feedback that can interrupt the speaker.
324: As obvious as these may be, they are still frequently done during video conference meetings.
330: 12. Turn off your video if you need to step away from your device
335: Life happens and there may be a valid reason to leave the meeting for a brief moment.
340: Turning off your video when are not at your computer will save you from having to deal with an
345: embarrassing situation because others sharing your space were not aware that your camera was active.
351: Video conference calls have made it easier to connect and do business at anytime and anywhere.
356: The benefits are great but the basic rules of meeting etiquette should always be applied.
362: Let's recap the 12 video conference meeting etiquette rules you need to know.
368: 1. Keep the camera at eye level or slightly above. It is more natural and flattering to the face.
375: 2. Ensure the lens of the camera is clean. A sharper image of you commands more attention.
382: 3. Look into the lens of the camera. It creates eye contact with the viewer and
388: can keep them more engaged. 4. Be aware of your framing.
393: Our mind prefers symmetry so ensure your face is centered in the frame.
398: 5. Be mindful of your sound quality. It will directly affect the video meeting
404: experience for the viewer. 6. Have good lighting. The
409: difference between a face-to-face encounter and video should be minimum.
413: 7. Be aware of your background. It can detract from your message.
419: 8. Personal dress and grooming. Your video representation should match the occasion.
426: 9. Your verbal and nonverbal communication. Keep it as professional as in-person meetings.
433: 10. Reduce excessive gestures, fidgeting and alternate conversations. Again,
440: keep it as professional as face to face meetings. 11. Mind your manners. It reveals your character.
448: 12. Turn off your video if you need to step away from your device.
453: It can save you from having to deal with an embarrassing situation.
458: OK … Let's see how Suzie does when the correct tips are followed…
464: Hello everyone, let's start
468: Yes, I agree with that point One suggestion before we continue
477: Now you know the appropriate meeting etiquette rules when attending video conference meetings…
482: but what about the specific tasks you must do as the host before,
486: during and after your meetings, for greater control and high impact?
491: I have created a FREE Professional Assessment just for you so you can measure your potential
496: for success. You can access the FREE Assessment at the link in the description section.
501: I have also included other resources to help you get greater insight and tips on this topic.
508: I am always adding new videos to give you the techniques and secrets used by
512: the best in the field. Check them out here so you don't miss out.
517: And remember, if you like this video, hit that like button,
521: be sure to subscribe and share it with your friends.
524: Thanks for watching.

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