The most interesting videos about the internet, new technologies, science, and innovation.
We currently have 27 videos in this section.
If you want to watch videos about the latest developments in science, technology and the internet, this is the place for you. We monitor the most authoritative channels, and bring you the best videos from the likes of TechCrunch and the Wall Street Journal, as well as the major technology companies like Facebook, Apple and Google.
Here is a list of the words which are used most frequently in this section:
Here are some of the most popular YouTube channels in this section.
Bloomberg Quicktake is a business channel which looks at the themes which you need in order to progess in your career, whatever the sector. We like the Quicktake videos! They are short and get to the point very quickly. The videos in the channel are usually very well produced with excellent analysis of complex financial and economic news.
The Wall Street Journal is the most important financial newspaper in the United States, and one of the most respected Financial newspapers in the world. The videos in this channel look at current affairs and particularly at events and trends which affect the financial markets. The WSJ journalists tend to use quite sophisticated English so the videos are mainly suitable for students who have advanced level English.
Newsthink is an online media company set up by Canadian journalist Cindy Pom. The Newsthink YouTube channel looks at current affairs but has a particular focus on technology and sciences. The videos also have a strong focus on individuals; so there are lots of profiles of, and interviews with, inventors and business leaders from the technology and science sectors.
The most relevant videos in this section. The videos are sorted by level, from A1(basic) to C1(advanced/native).
The mobile phone (or 'Cell phone' in American English) is a permanent part of modern life. Who invented it?
Did you ever wonder who invented the first video game? In this interview, we are introduced to the inventor of the video game console. This video is part of the Inventor series from PBS in the USA.
Are you a software engineer or a software designer? This video from the BBC features one of their developers talking about different aspects of his work. You will hear British English in this video.
The video game industry is massive. Find out exactly how big it is in this report from an American journalist. You'll also learn English vocabulary for presenting graphs and statistics.
How to find funding for your startup. This video has some good advice for anyone looking to start a new business.
What's it like to work as a software engineer at Google?
Which companies control the cloud? Do you know what cloud computing actually is? In this great video from The Wall Street Journal our presenter gives us an explanation of what cloud computing is, and how it is changing the world we live in. The video also looks at which companies are winning the battle to dominate the cloud computing market.
Which companies are going to compete in the satellite internet market? It looks like the satellite internet Market is going to see huge progress and a huge amount of competition in the next few years. Find out why satellites are the future of digital connectivity in this really useful video.
Do you know how Netflix started?
Learn all about Facebook's amazing growth, and, at the same time, learn different different ways to present statistics. If you need to talk about graphs and charts at work, this video should give you some useful ideas.
Motorola launches a new smartphone incorporating the latest Android operating system. Find out why this was important for Google. The video is now quite old. No, you can't buy this model of mobile phone today!
The history of the software company, Microsoft, from 2001 until 2017.
A short history of the biggest tech companies in the world. Did you know that Samsung actually started out selling fruit and vegetables? You might be surprised to learn about the origins of some of the world's biggest tech corporations. Learn more in this short and informative video.
The history of Facebook owner Meta. How did this company become one of the largest tech companies in the world? This video explores the rapid rise of one of the most well-known companies in the world.