English Email Course

A complete course on how to write emails in English

English Email Course

Welcome to our online course on English emails. If you work in an international business then you will sometimes have to write in English. In fact, you may need to send emails in English every day. In this free online course we'll show you how to write effective and professional emails. Don't worry if you are not an advanced-level student. Even with beginner or intermediate English you will still be able to write great emails!

The lessons in this language course feature lots of example emails which you are welcome to copy and use at work. 

English Email Course

Starting and ending an email

How to write emails in English

The first class in our guide to writing emails in English. Here we cover the basic rules for writing a professional email. We help you avoid the simple mistakes that too many people make!

Starting and ending an email

Starting an email in English

Introducing the subject

The first line in an email is vital! We'll show you how to introduce the subject and say why we are writing the email. First impressions are important, so we need to have an effective first line to ensure the recipient is paying attention!

Starting an email in English

Ending an email

Sentences for ending an email

How can I end an email? Here are some great examples of formal and informal phrases for ending an email. We'll help you to get the response you are looking for. 

Ending an email

Attaching files

Attaching files to an email

Have you attached files to the email? Here is the one simple phrase that you need to write.

Attaching files

Saying thanks by email

Thanking people by email

Examples of emails for saying 'thank you' in English.

Saying thanks by email

How to give bad news by email.


How to give bad news by email.  It's never easy to give negative information to somebody so let's see how to say 'no' in a nice way! 

How to give bad news by email.

Saying sorry by email

Saying sorry by email

What is the best way to say sorry to someone by email? We all make mistakes! This class has lots of examples which you can use yourself.

Saying sorry by email

b1 Introducing ourselves

i am image

How to introduce ourselves by email. When we write to somebody who we do not know we must present ourselves politely and effectively. It can often make the difference between success and failure!

Introducing ourselves

b1 How to complain by email

i am image

How to complain by email. Sometimes we don't receive the service we expect. This class contains model emails which you can use now.

How to complain by email