A fantastic selection of videos from some of the most prestigious channels on YouTube. We cover economics and world trade as well as the financial markets.
We currently have 69 videos in this section.
Welcome to our carefully chosen selection of videos on Economics, Financial markets, and world trade. These videos can be quite difficult to understand, so make sure you use our term search tools to properly understand all the acronyms, jargon and technical expressions.
In this section we will learn about stocks, bonds, interest rates, yields, derivatives, supply, demand and much more. The videos also look at economic theories and the work of important economists like John Maynard Keynes.
Here is a list of the words which are used most frequently in this section:
Here are some of the most popular YouTube channels in this section.
Bloomberg Quicktake is a business channel which looks at the themes which you need in order to progess in your career, whatever the sector. We like the Quicktake videos! They are short and get to the point very quickly. The videos in the channel are usually very well produced with excellent analysis of complex financial and economic news.
We really like the videos from Crash Course! An American YouTube channel, Crash Course produces high-quality educational videos to help you get better grades at your college or university. These videos look at subjects related to economics and the financial markets, so if you are studying economics at University you really should check out this channel. You should be able to understand the videos if you have upper-intermediate level English. Get better grades in your economics course thanks to Crash Course!
The Wall Street Journal is the most important financial newspaper in the United States, and one of the most respected Financial newspapers in the world. The videos in this channel look at current affairs and particularly at events and trends which affect the financial markets. The WSJ journalists tend to use quite sophisticated English so the videos are mainly suitable for students who have advanced level English.
The Economist is one of the most prestigious news publications in the United Kingdom. The Economist channel produces videos on international news, politics, business, finance, science, technology andother subjects related to current affairs. The channel also looks at how major industries are being changed by new ways of thinking. This channel is great for anyone who is studying Economics or Politics, and is also very useful for MBA students.
Current affairs and personal stories about culture,art, fashion and the internet. A YouTube channel which targets young adult viewers. As you can imagine, the language which is used in the videos on this channel is more informal than many of the channels in this Finance and Economics section.
Kyla is a financial journalist who is based in the United States. In her videos she looks at subjects related to the stock markets, the bond markets and pretty much any other financial Market. A great series of videos for anyone who is studying economics or Finance at University or anyone who is taking an MBA.
The most relevant videos in this section. The videos are sorted by level, from A1(basic) to C1(advanced/native).
What does 'LIBOR' stand for, and how do you pronounce it? A nice short video from Channel 4 in the UK reviewing the main financial news of 2012. A useful video if you are studying for an MBA or if you are doing an Economics course.
A review of the political and economic situation in China in 2012. How does this compare with the situation in China now? Did the presenter's predictions come true?
Another educational video from the Financial Times on negative yields.
Basic finance words explained. If you work in finance and need to improve your English then you should start here.
Why the U.S. stockmarkets sometimes ignore the unemployment statistics. A short video from Britain's Financial Times, the most important financial newspaper in the world.
How sexism still thrives in American's financial sector.
How the Coronavirus had a devastating effect on the world's stockmarkets.
Why would you want to buy bonds which offer negative yields? The FT looks into this strange situation.
A tutorial which explains the relationship between inflation and interest rates.
Why do central banks raise interest rates? How does it affect the economy?
What is economics and how does it affect me?
Supply and Demand are the two great forces which shape markets and prices.
How Supply and Demand determine the price of a product or service.
What will happen to the Euro and the Eurozone in the future? This video discusses the main problems the Eurozone faces. An Advanced-level video which uses many Economic terms.
Learn about some really important economic concepts.
Why printing money isn't a solution to a country's economic problems.
A guide to the American economy by the Financial Times. This is another video which you will find incredibly useful if you are studying an economics degree at University or if you are studying for an MBA. It's full of useful vocabulary related to finance and the financial markets.
The Financial Times explains how much your food really costs. If you are interested in how markets work, or particularly how sometimes they don't work, then this video is a useful introduction.
The biggest stock market crash in American history had disastrous consequences for many people in the United States and its effects were felt all around the world. In this fun, animated video find out what caused the great stock market crash of 1929 and find out whether a similar crash could happen again.
Have you thought about studying banking and finance at university in Europe?
A video which explains the stock market in simple language. Studios and Vox, this enlightening explainer series will take viewers deep inside a wide range of ...
The forces that propelled Aramco's growth from a single well to the biggest oil producer in the world.
What is Inflation and how does it make our lives better or worse?
Crash Course explains why the world has such huge wealth inequality.
Crash Course explains why the world has such huge wealth inequality.
The City of Detroit in the United States went bankrupt. A great video for reviewing vocabulary related to debt, bonds and bankruptcy. If you are studying Economics at university or if you are studying for an MBA, you should find this video very useful.
Video from the Financial Times covering the first official visit of US president Barack Obama to the African continent. This video is quite old now, but it has some useful vocabulary for anybody who is interested in politics and current affairs.
The Economist looks at how the Covid-19 pandemic will affect the world economic order.
An educational video which explains different Economic schools of thought.
The FT explains the history of global trade from Roman times until the Coronavirus.
The Wall Street Journal looks into the strange phenomenon of negative yields.
Who actually buys negative-yielding bonds, and why?
The Financial Times looks at SPACs, a new type of investment vehicle.
The biggest banks in the world, ranked by assets.
Do you know which are the biggest banks in Switzerland?
How do professional investors decide which stocks to buy?
In this video from TED we'll learn the main causes of recessions.
What is the real cost of gold for the countries where it is mined?
Was this company the worst the world has ever known?
How the Russia-Ukraine war is affecting the commodities markets.
Venezuela is in chaos. How did we get here?